Food Services

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My School Bucks

What is MySchoolBucks?
MySchooBucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases and receive email notifications for low account balances.

How do I Enroll?

  1. Go to or download the mobile app and register for your free account.

  2. Add your students using their school name and student ID.

  3. Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
    A program fee may apply. You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.

If you have any questions, please visit and click Help or call MySchoolBucks Customer Support at 1-855-832-5226.

Lunch Menus

Food Service Links 


Food Service Management Company: 
The Abbey Group 

Scott Choiniere, VP of Operations 
6212 VT Route 105 
Enosburg Falls, VT 05450 
Office: 1-800-696-4748 
Send Email to:


Food Service Director: 

Jaca Hughes

Fall Mountain Regional HS 
134 FMRHS Road 
Langdon, NH 03602 
Office: 802-258-0437
Send Email to:


Free and Reduced Meals Coordinator: 
Scott LaFortune
PO Box 720
Langdon, NH 03602 
Office: 603-835-7095
Send Email to: