Assistive Technology Information for Parents
What is assistive technology?
Assistive technology, also referred to as AT, is any device or service that helps a person to be more independent at home, at work, at school, or a at play. An AT devices includes anything from a pencil grips to computers and wheelchairs. Assistive technology often boosts abilities, and compensate or bypasses barriers that are caused by the disabilities.
AT services assist a child with a disability in the selection of, acquisition, use and maintenance of an AT devices. Services include a specialized evaluations and training for students, teachers and parents in the use and maintenance of AT.
For children with disabilities in public school classrooms, assistive technologies are their tools to extend their physical, social and communicative abilities. They also provide the means for academic and cooperative inclusion.

What does this mean for students and schools?
School districts are required under law to provide appropriate AT to students with disabilities when it supports their acquisition of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). In order to support the inclusion and participation of students with disabilities in regular education classrooms, all IEPs developed for children identified as needing special education services, must indicate that AT has been considered to "to provide meaningful access to the general curriculum" (IDEA, 1997). More specifically, IDEA indicates that AT devices and services must be made available to a child with a disability if requires as a part of the child's-
Special Education
Related services or
Supplementary aid and services
The need for AT must be determined on a case-by-case basis. It must be determined necessary for an individual student to ensure that they have access has access to free and appropriate public education (FAPE)Assistive technology must be provided by the school district at no cost to the family. If the IEP team determines that AT is needed for home use ensure FAPE, it must be provided.
How can AT help my child?
Assistive technology can help children with disabilities participate more fully in school by helping them to do academic and other activities more independently, productively and efficiently.