Our district is proud to announce that we are participating in the 2024 Souper Bowl of Caring event as a National School of Caring. 

Tackle Hunger’s Souper Bowl of Caring event uses the energy around football’s biggest celebration to mobilize and inspire people to tackle hunger across the country. Students develop a stronger sense of connection to their communities as they collect food and raise money for hunger-relief charities that provide food and resources for their neighbors in need, while showing caring and compassion for others. During our Souper Bowl of Caring campaign, students will take up a collection and give 100% of donations to a local charity. We will report our total to Tackle Hunger so our students and school become part of the national efforts. Through this experience, they learn the power of working together to make a difference in the lives of others. Imagine the difference we could make in our community if everyone donated one can or one dollar. 

We will have a box set up in the foyer at Deliberative Session this Wednesday, February 7th. Collections received will go to the Fall Mountain Food Shelf.

Additional collections are happening during the week at our schools!

Thank you for doing your part to make our Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign a success! We are excited about sharing our collection results with you.