Viafy app

Viafy (TripSpark) Transportation App

Fall Mountain has a service to help families monitor bus information for their students. With winter weather here, the Viafy app helps families to see when the bus is approaching their house for pick up and drop off. The app also shows when a bus is running behind or ahead of schedule. Families will see their bus stop on the app, but will not have access to the names of families at other stops. Families are able to set notifications within the app to receive up-to-date information.

Families must have a valid email address in order to sign up for and utilize the Viafy app. The email address, that you use for Viafy, has to match your contact information in PowerSchool. This is because we use PowerSchool to link your family information to Viafy.  Please contact your school secretary if your email address has changed or if you need to add an email address in PowerSchool.

The app can be downloaded through the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. You also access Viafy online through the Viafy Parent Login

We encourage anyone who has questions about the Viafy app to contact Art Lufkin, FMRSD Transportation Manager, at 603-835-2527.